Acuvue® 1 Day Contact Lenses
at Wise Eyes Optical
Authorized Nationwide Retailer
of Authentic Acuvue® 1 Day Contacts
Daily Disposable Contact Lenses
Since 1988, Acuvue® has been an innovator in contact lens design. Their technologically advanced soft contact lenses are trusted by more contact lens wearers than any other brand. Acuvue® combines advanced materials and science to provide clear vision to millions around the world at an affordable price. Wise Eyes Optical is proud to be your authorized nationwide retailer of Acuvue® 1 Day contact lenses.
Acuvue 1 Day Disposable Contact Lenses
Acuvue® 1 Day daily disposable contact lenses offer maximum convenience with no cleaning, solutions, cases, or maintenance. Their hydrogel material provides the eye with 88% of available oxygen. These lenses also offer one of the highest levels of UV protection available in a daily disposable lens. Enjoy a fresh, new pair every day with no hassle.
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